Selma Bouquet

105 €

The Selma bouquet is made up of peonies and baby eucalyptus. A perfect match for any table or shelf. One of our most special bouquets.

Fresh peonies are a flower with very little durability and that are concentrated in a very specific time of the year. However, our bouquet of preserved peonies will retain its essence and design for a long time with basic care. This makes it a perfect decoration object for any room, giving it an elegant and distinctive touch.

COMPOSITION: Pink peonies, variety of eucalyptus cinerea and gunny.

Our bouquets are handmade, depending on the season there may be some small variation, but the same line of style and tonality will always be followed. The preserved flowers are natural, treated, so we do not make two exactly identical bouquets. You'll love it!

Do you want to make any changes or have us personalize it for you? Get in touch with us

Approximate height: 50 cm
Approximate diameter: 40 cm
Medium size: 5 peonies stems
Large size: 8 stems peonies

As they are preserved natural products, the measurements are approximate since it will depend at each moment on the flowering of the product.

Avoid humid environments.
Do not expose to direct sunlight.
Do not put in water.
Handle with Care.

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